In addition to the Monitoring Team's public meetings, designated as "Public Meetings" below, the following Court Hearings (open to the public) will be held.  The court hearings will be held in the United States Courthouse, 500 Poydras Street, New Orleans.  The Office of the Consent Decree Monitor, the NOPD, and the United States will be present.

The public is invited to attend each public meeting and court hearing.

The NOPD Consent Decree Monitor will hold two public meetings on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 to explain the Monitor’s recent public reports and inform the public on the status of the implementation of the NOPD Consent Decree. Questions and comments for the Monitoring Team are welcome from any member of the New Orleans community, including the media.

Meeting Information:

East New Orleans Regional Library
5641 Read Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70127
Large Meeting Room
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Treme Recreation Community Center
900 Villere St., New Orleans, LA 70116
Meeting Room
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

The next NOPD Consent Decree court hearing will be held June 5, 2024 att 10:00 a.m. in Judge Morgan’s Courtroom.  As always, questions and comments are welcome from any member of the New Orleans community, including the media.

Comments and questions for the Monitoring Team or the Court may be submitted by emailing them to: 

Audio of the court hearing will be broadcast to the public. Members of the public may listen to the hearing by dialing (504) 229-4460 and entering the Phone Conference ID: 148 804 372#.