Monitor’s Events & Information Regarding the Sustainment Period

On December 18, 2024, the Court issued a Fifth Notice to the Public Regarding Joint Motion to Enter Sustainment Period, setting a Hearing on the Joint Motion.

 Hearing On The Joint Motion
Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 1 pm Central
Judge Morgan’s Courtroom; Hale Boggs Federal Courthouse; 3rd Floor

 Audio of the hearing will be broadcast to the public. Members of the public may listen to the hearings by dialing (504) 229-4460 and entering the Phone Conference ID: 689 170 722#.

In-person public meeting recordings and related documents are linked below:

Tuesday, October 8 Recording Presentation Transcripción

Tuesday, October 22 Recording  Presentation Transcripción

Monday, October 28 Recording Presentation Transcripción

Tuesday, October 29 afternoon Recording Presentation 

Tuesday, October 29 evening Recording Presentation 

We have compiled and shortly will be posting a list of public questions asked to date – with answers from the Monitoring Team.  The list will be posted HERE and will be updated regularly.